
16th Dec 2021 One Mahurangi Update - Join us again this Sunday!

We are there!

The first of our Sunday morning Christmas shopping days went very well last Sunday with a lot of people making their way into town despite the weather to enjoy the chance to do some shopping while listening to the many buskers scattered throughout the main streets. The looks on the faces of the many children as they saw Santa brings the Christmas feeling to the fore. Some children came with lists of what they wanted from Santa and this of course had many parents shaking their heads, indicating to Santa to please not say he would deliver all that down the chimney.

Don’t forget that this Sunday the 19th of December we will once again have the streets filled with music, shops will be open, and Santa will be back! The weather is going to be gorgeous so come in and grab those last Christmas presents and support local!

The countdown to the summer holidays has begun. It is a time when staff start to look longingly at their watches knowing that in a few days most of them will be finishing the year and going on holiday. The retail staff amongst us look on in trepidation as they know that there will be a last-minute mad rush as some of us do have this habit of leaving everything to the last minute.

Please spare a thought during this time for the employers and business owners who, while enjoying this Christmas rush, after lockdown may still be unsure they can afford holiday pay and wonder if they’ll even be able to open in the New Year. This is a time for reflection and, can I suggest, that we don’t dwell for too long on the bad parts of the past year as we have done a lot of that already. Let’s instead focus on the good that has been done either within your business or your community.

We have had people who have reached out and offered help to those less fortunate, including property owners who have helped businesses even when it was not mandated.

I think back to the Mahurangi Winter Festival of Lights, to my committee of very hard-working volunteers who started planning in February for the festival in July. I know how hard they all worked to bring you the Parade of Lights and all the rides and music for that day. To have had an estimated crowd of 6000 in the street was amazing. I saw the volunteers work so hard the next weekend when the rain and the wind meant we had to change things on the fly. Starting at 6.30 am and finishing around 11 pm – again to me these are the true Community Campions.

Thank you to all those wonderful people in our community who have attended events, and helped us to advocate on matters for local council and government. Also to the people who represent us on the Local Board, Council, and Central Government, a huge thanks to them for putting our community before politics, working with others, and getting things done.

The One Mahurangi team will be taking a well-earned break from the 22nd of December and returning on the 11th of January 2022 and, as we have all been very good this year, we are all looking forward to being spoilt by Santa. 🙂

From the One Mahurangi operations team including myself, Lauren and Alison, the One Mahurangi committee, and volunteers from the Warkworth Information Centre, we want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful and prosperous New Year!


Support Local, Buy Local, Employ Local, Love Local!

Murray Chapman
Manager, One Mahurangi Business Association

Read the full newsletter HERE> 

Supporting our businesses during COVID-19.