
24th Nov One Mahurangi Update - Moving into the new season

Moving into the new season…

As we move into the Traffic Light System on December the 3rd, I can’t help thinking about those businesses that are still at the starting gate nervously waiting for the opportunity to reopen. I am talking about the hospitality industry, the beauty industry, and of course hairdressers although they will be opening this week. (Much to the relief of many!)

I read an article that said these businesses will be allowed to open just as the border is open and that of course means that
Aucklanders will be busting a gut to get out of town just when these businesses need them to be in town.

I have been as always impressed with how quickly our local community has responded to the Buy Local, Support Local message and I urge you all to keep supporting all of our local businesses this Christmas and holiday season. Don’t forget the shops in Elizabeth Street or the many great food outlets in the Grange. If you haven’t been up recently, please go and have a look, they are all a part of our local network of businesses who need our support.

This Christmas will be a strange time for local retailers. We have the international Black Friday sales which draw a lot of money out of most local economies, plus we will have some confusion around Covid Passports and how retailers handle them.

On the Sundays of the 12th and 19th December, many of our local retailers will open from 9 am to 1 pm to enable our locals to get their Christmas shopping done. To make it easier for the family we will have a range of rides for the kids, and a number of buskers and street performers around town for our shoppers to enjoy and perhaps sing along to if you’re brave. And let’s not forget Santa! He will be roaming around town so keep your eyes peeled.

These festive Sunday mornings will be a wonderful opportunity for everyone to support our local retailers, get your Christmas shopping done and let the kids have some fun in town before the rush really begins.

Remember to stay safe, stick to the public health guidelines of masks, signing in, and social distance, and enjoy this festive season. Boy, do we deserve it!

Support Local, Buy Local, Employ Local, Love Local!

Murray Chapman
Manager, One Mahurangi Business Association


Read the full newsletter HERE>

Supporting our businesses during COVID-19.