
2nd Sep 2021, One Mahurangi Update - Spring in Lockdown


Thoughts from the One Mahurangi Office…

How’s the cabin fever going in your house? While it is hard knowing we have another couple of weeks in Alert Level 4 restrictions, spare a thought for our friends out West who are also struggling with recent flooding, many forced out of their homes and many with their businesses underwater!

Stress is something we all need to be aware of, not just for ourselves and for our own family, but for that of our employees and members of our business community. We need to know that stress is something we can and should talk about openly within our families and with our workmates. Talking about how you feel doesn’t make you weak, it actually makes you stronger and it is easier to deal with the problem if it is shared.

I do hope that during this lockdown businesses are talking to their landlords to see if there is any help they can provide. It is in the community’s interest for local businesses to survive through these tough times.

It is also up to all of us to again do everything we can to Buy Local, Support Local. If you are buying online please think first, is there a local business supplying this product or service online? And if there is, give them your business first, because they will be the ones sponsoring your child’s football or netball team, not a business in Auckland or outside the region.

Remember, as we sit at home in the soggy and windy weather, Spring has arrived and, just as this lockdown will end eventually, the sun will also come out and everything is so much more positive when the sun is shining. Look after yourself, your family and your staff. We will get through this because we are Stronger Together.

Murray Chapman
Manager, One Mahurangi Business Association

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Supporting our businesses during COVID-19.