4th Nov 2021, One Mahurangi Update - Retail is Re-Opening!
It’s a tricky situation and the questions keep coming
These are strange and unchartered times for most businesses. As we move from alert level to alert level, and as we try to adjust, one of the questions I get asked often when I am out on the street is, “If we have a business that is only going to allow vaccinated people in, how do we manage it?”
I will stress now that I have no wish to get into a debate about the vaccination or any proposed mandates so please don’t bother replying about your opinions on that. But, what I am looking for is any ideas businesses have come up with on how they might handle managing customers’ vaccination status and the impacts of this on operating your business.
If we share our thoughts on this, together we may come up with a solution that will work for everyone. I am aware that this is a difficult subject of which people have very strong views but given how divisive this has become, perhaps it’s time that we all took a breath and allowed each other the right to have a different opinion.
I have spoken to some retailers who only want to serve those with a Covid Passport and some who are quite happy to serve anyone who comes into the business. The decision should be one that is left up to the individual business and of course to their customers who may not want to go into a Café or shop not knowing who is vaccinated.
I do not want to see staff members abused over this. Remember they are only doing their job and taking any frustration out on them is nothing short of bullying.
I look forward to hearing from those of you with constructive ideas and solutions just as I look forward to us getting to 90% vaccination rate and being able to open and start looking forward to a slightly more normal Christmas. Send your replies to murray@dev.onemahurangi.co.nz
I have been out on the street doing my part to support local, buying more coffee than I probably need. I would encourage you to “Pay it Forward” when you can, not only does it help the business, but it also brings a smile to someone’s face.
Now more than ever is the time for us all to Support Local, Buy Local, Employ Local and Enjoy Local.
Murray Chapman
Manager, One Mahurangi Business Association
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