
7th Oct 2021 Update from One Mahurangi - Vaccinate Against Covid-19 - Don't wait any longer

Covid-19 Vaccines – Don’t wait any longer!

At the risk of upsetting a few people, I am not too afraid to encourage you all to get vaccinated against Covid-19. This is clearly the way forward, out of Alert Level restrictions, and into a future where businesses and our favourite community events can once again thrive.

The NZ government is urging us all to get the jab so we can enjoy a safe and bright summer!
Don’t wait any longer. The simple reality is that if we don’t vaccinate the longer we will stay in Alert Level three and two restrictions, in whatever complicated Step of the Plan that could be.

We have been told that if we can reach 90% vaccinations in Auckland then we have a chance to get our businesses open, our people employed, and the economy humming again. So that seems like a no-brainer really.

I have been asked often over the last few weeks from employers, “If I want to employ someone new, can I ask them if they’re vaccinated?” the simple answer to that from the Covid website is: Businesses can only ask candidates if they are vaccinated when this is justified by the requirements of the role.

I believe this puts employers in a tough position if they believe that their employees should be vaccinated. The people I have been talking to also believe that they should be able to ask for risk assessment. Most large business organisations including the Auckland Business Chamber agree that businesses should be able to ask so that they can better protect their staff and customers.

I urge you all if you are tired of lockdowns and feel that your freedoms are being eroded then get vaccinated and we can put all of this behind us.

Let’s all start enjoying going out with friends and family to eat at our favourite restaurants, let’s start going to listen to our favourite bands playing at festivals, and let’s all start booking plane tickets so that we can visit family, and grandchildren we may have yet to meet.

This future is possible when we all pitch in. As always, we are Stronger Together.

Murray Chapman
Manager, One Mahurangi Business Association


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Supporting our businesses during COVID-19.