AGM 2021

ONE MAHURANGI AGM 2021 ZOOM LINK for 6pm Start: Now closed
Due to Alert Level Restrictions remaining in place, the One Mahurangi AGM 2021 will be hosted online.
This is a public meeting and it is open to all. However, only One Mahurangi Members will have voting rights.
Email or RSVP through Eventbrite HERE>
To vote at the One Mahurangi AGM, businesses are required to be registered members of the One Mahurangi Business Association even if they are already a BID affiliate i.e. had commercial/business premises are located within the BID area. There is NO fee for BID affiliates to register as business association members.
To register as a One Mahurangi Member or to update your details visit here>
Links to important AGM documents
[hover mouse over text and click to open]
- 2021 AGM Minutes Final
- AGM 2021 Agenda
- Executive Committee Chair’s Report for 2021
- One Mahurangi Manager’s Report for 2021
- Business Plan 2021/22
- Auditor’s Report, year ending June 30 2021
- 2021/2022 Proposed BID Budget
- 2022/2023 Proposed BID Budget
- Proxy voting form – registered members of One Mahurangi who can not make the AGM were able to vote by proxy
- Committee Nomination Form
- 2020 AGM minutes
- Constitution
- BID Policy
Email One Mahurangi Manager, Murray Chapman, for further information: